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End ALL Foreign Aid To Countries Involved With Attacks On US Embassies
America is under attack. You read that correctly; America is once
again facing state sponsored terrorism. This time the attacks are
against our embassies throughout the world. By international law, these
embassies are the sovereign territory of the United States. One of our
ambassadors has already been killed in Libya, along with members of his
What was our President’s response to these outrageous attacks? He
apologized. Instead of showing strength, Barack Hussein Obama
apologized to the Muslim world over a video that simply depicted the
Muslim Prophet Mohammad in the flesh. Apparently, this is sacrilege in
the Muslim religion. Evidently, the folks involved in these attacks and
protests do not believe in free speech. Murder, arson and violence are
all acceptable but free speech is not and our President APOLOGIZED to
these animals?
Do you believe that the countries involved in these embassy attacks
should get off with nothing more than an apology? Or are you like most
Americans that are outraged with this state sponsored terrorism? Do you
believe that countries that fail to protect our embassies while under
attack should face some sort of consequences for their cowardly actions?
Luckily, we are not alone in our anger over these despicable and
cowardly actions. Conservative lawmakers are working on legislation
that would cut off funding for the countries involved in the initial
embassy violence that erupted in Egypt and Libya last week. We must
further urge them to add Yemen to the list as well as and any other
nation that refuses to properly protect our embassies.
Foreign aid is a GIFT and it should be taken away if the receiving
government does not protect American citizens located within their
borders. Frankly, if a single American citizen is killed due to state
sponsored terrorism then air strikes against the offending country
should commence immediately.
Unfortunately, we have the reincarnation of Neville Chamberlain as
our President. Barack Obama has decided to use the failed policies of
appeasement in dealing with these terrorists. Marines and air strikes
are much more effective at ending terrorist threats and preempting
future attacks than apologies from a sniveling, coward of a President.
It is time we stand up for our nation and our republican form of
government. We MUST stop making excuses for terrorist behavior. The
Obama Administration is blaming a video rather than the terrorists!
In fact, Obama was given actionable intelligence reports
regarding the terrorist plot a week before these attacks occurred.
Unfortunately, our “President” was too busy seeking reelection to bother
attending his daily intelligence briefings. Four people have died from
Obama’s incompetence and thousands more are in danger worldwide.
If Obama won’t act, we MUST demand that Congress step up to the
plate. Luckily, we aren’t alone. As stated earlier, several
conservative legislators are fighting to block American aid to Libya and
Egypt. We must demand that they add Yemen, Sudan, and Tunisia to the
list of countries that will lose aid for either aiding and abetting
terrorism or turning a blind eye to the activities of these monsters.
Al-Qaeda is publicly pushing for the murder of American diplomats
worldwide; all the while protests are flaring up in countries throughout
the globe. If our Commander-in-Chief is too scared to act, then we
must demand Congress act within their constitutionally granted capacity.
Such capacity includes forgoing aid to countries that can’t seem to
protect our diplomatic representatives and embassies.
Stand with us today! Demand that Congress stop giving money in the
form of foreign aid to the very same monsters that are murdering our
diplomats and threatening the lives of Americans worldwide. If our
President won’t stand up for us, it is up to us to stand up for
ourselves. Fax Congress today and demand all foreign aid be eliminated
for any country that cannot protect our embassy and/or diplomats.
Foreign aid is a privilege and these foreign leaders must know we will
no longer accept excuses. Protect American interests or lose American
aid. It is as simple as that.

Tony Adkins
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