I am not a racist so in case the subtlety of my sarcasm evades you let me point out that the best way to illustrate the hypocrisy of a faulty logic is to take it to the point of absurdity. To do so let me report on a story that appeared today on the web site Bare Naked Islam about a "Muslim-Only Spelling Bee" that someone has organized in America. To put that point in perspective I want to remind everyone of the hypocrisy that exists today between acceptable Black-only organizations and unacceptable White-only organizations. Did you know there is a Miss Black America pageant held every year? It is often mentioned in the news media and never in a derogatory sense. Imagine if someone started a Miss White America contest? I once searched Google for similar organizations that are only for Black people and found many more than you would expect. Here is the list.
Now ask yourself, what would you expect the public reaction to be if any of these organizations were for White People Only? They would be hounded out of existence for being racist. Therein lies the double-standard. So why is it tolerable for someone to set up a "Muslim-Only Spelling Bee"? There is a difference if that spelling bee were held in a Muslim school because similar events are held in Catholic schools and Jewish schools but only for their own students. But an area-wide event that crosses boundaries and rejects people from other religions is bigoted, to say the least. This brings to mind another question that the leftist mainstream news media never asks: Why do Muslims get so much special consideration when other religions in America do not? Why must Catholic schools remove crosses from study rooms set aside for Muslim students? Why must places have special prayer rooms for Muslims when nothing comparable to other religions exists?Miss Black America Pageant
National Association of Black Accountants, Inc.
National Association of Black Journalists
National Black MBA Association Inc.
National Society of Black Engineers
National Association of Black Owned Broadcasters
National Association of Black Scuba Divers
The Association of Black Psychologists
National Association of Black Social Workers
National Association of Black Accountants Southern Region
National Association for Black Veterans, Inc.
The National Black Nurses Association, Inc.
Black Press of America
National Black Law Students Association
National Association of Black Telecommunications Professionals
National Black Business Trade Association
National Black MBA Association, Inc.
The National Black Prosecutors Association
National Association of Black Geologists and Geophysicists
National Association of Black Storytellers
National Black Republican Association
National Black Graduate Student Association
National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives
The National Association of Black Journalists
National Alliance of Black Interpreters, Inc.
National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice
National Association of Black Female Executives in Music ...
National Association of Black Bikers
National Association of Black Narcotic Agents
National Black Association for Speech-Language and Hearing
National Association of Black Law Enforcement Officers, Inc
The National Black Writers and Artist Association
National Association of Black Women Entrepreneurs, Inc.
National Association of Black Military Women
The National Black Police Association
The National Black Farmers Association Incorporated
The Association of Black Cardiologists, Inc.
National Black Justice Coalition
MICHIGANISTAN: ‘Muslim-Only’ Spelling Bee
by barenakedislamSo much for integration and assimilation with the filthy kuffar. Then again, how many of us pork eaters know how to spell 'Intifada' in Arabic?
Ann Arbor Founded in 2010 and enrolling just 31 pupils, Precious Sprouts of Ann Arbor, MI may not be the longest-standing pillar in the local Islamic community. But what it lacks in enduring presence, it makes up for in heart.A Chicago-based company, TMA Worldwide, owned by Muslim couple Asma and Tausif Malik, launched a national Muslim spelling bee in March to "help connect the Muslim community to the Muslim community." This is believed to be the first national Muslim spelling bee in the world.Michigan was almost left out from hosting a regional contest, despite being home to the largest mosque in the United States, the Islamic Center of America, which opened in Dearborn in 2005.Precious Sprouts volunteered to organize Michigan’s first Muslim spelling bee Saturday, April 8th. The competition is one of 10 regional contests taking place across the United States this spring.Muslim Spelling Bee is honored to partner with leading Islamic Schools to host the regional competition.
- American Youth Academy, Tampa, Florida
- Al-Ihsan Academy, New York, New York
- Darul Arqam, New Jersey, New Jersey
- Al-Hadi School of Accelerative, Houston, Texas
- MCC Fulltime Islamic School, Morton Grove, Illinois
- Mohammed Schools of Atlanta, Atlanta-Decatur, Georgia
- Arizona Cultural Academy, Phoenix, Arizona
- Orange Crescent School, Garden Grove, California
- Islamic School of Irving, Dallas/Forth/Worth, Texas
- Precious Sprouts Of Ann Arbor, Detroit, Michigan
The existence of some of those Black-only organizations have been around for many years, yet no one talks about it. But when groups such as the neo-Nazi Arien Brotherhood or the KKK set up White-Only memberships they are labeled racist hate groups. In recent years, since America was fooled into voting for that closet-Muslim Barack Hussein Obama, who has been self-identified as being so pro-Muslim, we have scores of incidents across the country where special accommodations are being made for Muslims. The basic difference is that aside from the Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam, most other Black-only groups don't spread hatred for the rest of America, but most Muslim organizations do.
My name is Nelson Abdullah and I am Oldironsides.
ReplyDeleteGood post. That's a heck of a list. I see some new ones. Google missed a few.
Black Congressional caucus
Black Mayor's Conference
Black Police Chief's Asso.
For a group of self-identified hyphenated Americans that constantly complain about not being treated equal they certainly spend an enormous amount of energy on being separate.
Hardnox, I didn't get the notice about this comment and just stumbled upon it today. Thanks.