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Jihad Watch.
NYPD investigating new threat to New York City from Misunderstanders of Islam on jihad forums

Is the NYPD really going to risk further charges of "Islamophobia"
by investigating this? "NYPD investigating image on Al Qaeda forums as
possible threat to New York City," by Rocco Parascandola and Sarah
Armaghan for the New York Daily News, April 2:
The NYPD Intelligence Division’s cyber unit is investigating
the origin and significance of the graphic that appeared Monday on
Arabic-language al Qaeda forums.
The NYPD Intelligence Division’s cyber unit is investigating the
origin and significance of the graphic that appeared Monday on
Arabic-language Al Qaeda forums.
A graphic featuring the New York skyline and posted on terrorism
websites blares a chilling message in bold letters: “Al Qaeda coming
soon again in New York.”
The NYPD and the FBI are scrambling to locate the source of the
message and trying to figure out whether it’s a credible threat or a
sick taunt.
The 3-D images spotted on Al Qaeda Internet forums Monday show the
letters scrawled across a city street, as a father and son stroll by in
“It’s something we’re looking into,” said NYPD spokesman Paul Browne.
“We’re trying to determine the origins of it. We take all things like
this seriously.”
The graphic appeared on several Arabic-language sites including, Browne said.
Cops believe that it was posted by an Egyptian writer who regularly
uses the Internet to spread propaganda about the terror network. The
logo was posted in the “artwork and design” section on that particular
web page, Browne said.
“We’ve done an analysis. He’s not an American. We’re leaning toward
(him being) an Egyptian, using Arabic, to create communications on this
site,” said Browne.
The feds are looking into the graphic as well.
“The FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force is aware of the posting and
investigating its authenticity and origin,” the bureau said in a
statement. “The FBI takes all threats seriously and there is no specific
or credible threat to New York at this time.”...
Faisal Shahzad, a Connecticut man trained by Al Qaeda overseas parked
a bomb-laden Nissan Pathfinder in Times Square, hoping to kill hundreds
of people....
A "Connecticut man." Yep. Just as easily could have been Joe Lieberman.
Meanwhile, Barack Hussein Obama's ("I'll stand with Islam") Dept. of Justice is investigating the New York City Police Department for suspected charges of stereotyping the Muslim community. Now if someone can identify any other group besides Muslims who have committed or planed to commit acts of terrorism on American soil, please contact the FBI. The leftist news media has declined to identify the religious affiliations of the terrorists they write about but all of the names appear to be Arab or Muslim so, as the saying goes, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it probably is a duck.
"Lamestream media" as Sarah Palin called it this morning on the Today show. I laughed.