Fellow American Patriot,
This is probably the most urgent email that I have ever sent.
TOMORROW - December 21st - the FCC rules and regulations are slated to take effect. YOUR Internet freedoms will then VANISH! This could be the very worst "Merry Christmas" present that you have ever received.
I know, not too many people know about this. That is precisely why YOU must fax every single Member of Congress right now----TOMORROW WILL BE TOO LATE!
Barack Obama has a "Christmas surprise" for the American people. It's based upon the FCC's self-imposed December 21 deadline to implement new Internet rules.
Mr. Obama wants to take control of the Internet through FCC regulation. We're talking about YOUR Internet. YOUR ability to contact your friends. YOUR relatives. And YOUR elected representatives in government.
This "stealth" use of new FCC rules and regulations will sneak up on us just before Christmas. TOMORROW! Quite frankly, not too many people know about this; or took the notion serious because, after all, we have the 1st Amendment to the U. S. Constitution to protect us. Right? Wrong!
The FCC is ready to add the Internet to its "portfolio" of regulated industries. The Obama Administration wants to take control of the Internet tomorrow! (even though the regulations won't "officially" go into effect until after the holidays). FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski announced that he has circulated "draft rules" that he says will "preserve the freedom and openness of the Internet." No statement---I call it a bald face lie---reflects the vast gulf between the rhetoric and the reality of Obama Administration policy.
Obama's FCC is ready to steal our Internet freedom by simply declaring it has the "right" to regulate it. Here's the underlying problem for Barack Obama. Internet journalists tend to report the news without coloring it with the brush of "political correctness." They challenge the lies that the Obama Administration puts out that the so-called "mainstream media" simply accept and repeat as the truth.
Please, CLICK HERE to send a FAX to every single Member of Congress TODAY, and tell them that they need to exercise their Constitutional authority and oversight over the FCC, by insisting that the FCC postpone the implementation of these new regulations until proper Congressional Committee hearings are held to determine whether the Executive Branch has the Constitutional authority to take over the Internet. Three federal judges in three different cases have already ruled that the Internet deserves the same protection under the First Amendment as printed material receives. AND, please be sure to send a sizeable DONATION to the United States Justice Foundation (USJF) as we keep this Internet freedom issue before the eyes of every Member of Congress. We must not let the federal government continue to whittle away at our Constitutional freedoms!
We must be prepared to do battle with the intrusive FCC federal regulations that will clamp down on our 1st Amendment rights via the Internet. To protect our free speech rights on the Internet, we must fax every single Member of Congress and let them know they must NOT agree to tomorrow's -- December 21st-- regulations! Will you do that for yourself and for the rest of us... today---please? This is so important; let me repeat my request so that you understand the extreme urgency. Because, historically, when government seizes liberty, it's gone forever.
That is precisely why this email is so very, very important. Your response tomorrow, or Wednesday, or sometime after Christmas will absolutely be TOO LATE! These regulations take effect tomorrow, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21ST!
This is extremely CRITICAL.
YOUR First Amendment rights are at stake within hours!
That's what I said: WITHIN HOURS!
I am IMPLORING YOU to act right now.
The Obama Administration has already directed the FCC to begin implementation of these new rules and regulations on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2010!
Do you have the guts to stand up to this affront to our individual freedoms?
Will you stand with us right this very moment?
Please, CLICK HERE to send a FAX to every single Member of Congress TODAY and tell them that they need to exercise their Constitutional authority and oversight over the FCC by insisting that the FCC postpone the implementation of these new regulations until proper Congressional Committee hearings are held to determine whether the Executive Branch has the Constitutional authority to take over the Internet. Three federal judges in three different cases have already ruled that the Internet deserves the same protection under the First Amendment as printed material receives. AND, please be sure to send a sizeable DONATION to the United States Justice Foundation (USJF) as we keep this Internet freedom issue before the eyes of every Member of Congress. We must not let the federal government continue to whittle away at our Constitutional freedoms!
According to the Washington Times: "With a straight face, Mr. Genachowski suggested that government red tape will increase the 'freedom' of online services that have flourished because bureaucratic busybodies have been blocked from tinkering with the Web. Ordinarily, it would be appropriate at this point to supply an example from the proposed regulations, illustrating the problem. Mr. Genachowski's draft document has over 550 footnotes and is stamped 'non-public, for internal use only' to ensure that nobody outside the agency sees it until the rules are approved in a scheduled December 21st vote. So much for 'openness.'
Mr. Obama will use the FCC plans to implement control of cyberspace by issuing regulations. He blatantly insists that he has the right to regulate the Internet through the FCC---which regulates the other electronic mediums: radio and television. What Mr. Obama really means is that as long as the American people have unfettered access to the Internet, he cannot continue to spread his propaganda and bald face lies without being challenged, and he will be a one-term visitor at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Make no mistake; Barack Hussein Obama is very determined to undermine the 1st Amendment by seizing cyber-control of Internet free speech under the disguise of making sure our safety and our security are of prime importance. The recent WikiLeaks fiasco has helped him to rationalize this tremendous increase of government control to the American public.
Freedom and openness should continue to be the governing principles of the Internet. That's why Mr. Genachowski's December 21 proposals should be STOPPED by Members of Congress. In fact, both the U. S. Senate and the House of Representatives should make it even clearer that the FCC should STOP trying to expand its REGULATORY EMPIRE and should STOP trying to control our freedom of speech over the internet!
In the administration's zeal to "protect the people," the social progressive zealots in the Obama federal bureaucracy are not averse to writing the rules and regulations like this. It makes a clear statement. It takes away our freedoms on the Internet; but it is all under the claim of "protection."
That's why the proposed FCC Internet rules and regulations---THAT ARE ABOUT TO BE IMPLEMENTED without Congressional legislation being enacted---must be stopped by that Body whose legislative authority has been abridged. That is why YOU must get involved this very moment! Please, CLICK HERE to send a FAX to every single Member of Congress TODAY and tell them that they need to exercise their Constitutional authority and oversight over the FCC by insisting that the FCC postpone the implementation of these new regulations until proper Congressional Committee hearings are held to determine whether the Executive Branch has the Constitutional authority to take over the Internet. Three federal judges in three different cases have already ruled that the Internet deserves the same protection under the First Amendment as printed material receives. And, please be sure to send a sizeable DONATION to the United States Justice Foundation (USJF) as we keep this Internet freedom issue before the eyes of every Member of Congress. We must not let the federal government continue to whittle away at our Constitutional freedoms!
Please. Do NOT sit idly by and calmly surrender your freedoms on the Internet. Please fax every single Member of Congress. (And don't forget to give a generous donation to USJF.)
Don't let the Obama Administration give you a government "Merry Christmas" via Internet controls. Send Barack Obama your personal "BAH, HUMBUG!"
Say "Merry Christmas" with a message that STOPS the federal government from crossing that Constitutional line by seizing the Internet. Barrack Hussein Obama blames the Tea Party Revolution, and the results of the 2010 election, on the American conservatives' unfettered access to the Internet. That appears to be the real reason that the Obama Administration authorized the FCC power grab to regulate the Internet. Obama talking heads might refer to regulation as a form of "Net Neutrality," or a cyber-version of the "Fairness Doctrine." But, plain and simple, it is plain, old fashioned, censorship of the views of a majority by a frightened minority who want to silence that majority. Are you part of the no-longer "silent" majority which believes that the 1st Amendment protects our right to speak our mind, in the public forum of the Internet, or at a Town Hall meeting? Free speech is free. Don't let anyone regulate your right to speak. Get involved. Now. Today.
Please, CLICK HERE to send a FAX to every single Member of Congress TODAY and tell them that they need to exercise their Constitutional authority and oversight over the FCC by insisting that the FCC postpone the implementation of these new regulations until proper Congressional Committee hearings are held to determine whether the Executive Branch has the Constitutional authority to take over the Internet. Three federal judges in three different cases have already ruled that the Internet deserves the same protection under the First Amendment as printed material receives. AND, please be sure to send a sizeable DONATION to the United States Justice Foundation (USJF) as we keep this Internet freedom issue before the eyes of every Member of Congress. We must not let the federal government continue to whittle away at our Constitutional freedoms!
When it comes to the Internet, bipartisan majorities in Congress have insisted on maintaining a strict hands-off policy whenever the left has proposed legislation to impose censorship through regulation. A federal appeals court confirmed this in April, by striking down the FCC's last attempt to do it. In order for the FCC to take this control, it needs Congress to give it explicit statutory authority to do so. Since they have chosen not to, Mr. Obama intends to just do it himself. The Obama Administration is overstepping its Constitutional boundaries? These proposed regulations prove that! December 21 is only ONE DAY away. That's why we must Fax every Member of Congress, RIGHT NOW, to stop this government intrusion into our private, on-line, communications. We have not witnessed this kind of government intrusion since FDR tried to regulate newspapers in 1933.
Freedom of the Press is guaranteed by the First Amendment. Federal judges have ruled specifically that the Internet has the exact same freedoms. But the Obama Administration is trying to control the Internet... and YOU!
On December 1, with an impending implementation on December 21st, Mr. Genachowski announced to the media that he had circulated his draft rules memo. He said it will "... preserve the freedom and openness of the Internet," adding that the federal government will increase the freedom of online services because, he noted, heavy use in some areas of the Internet slow the "web experience" for everyone sharing the same information superhighway lines.
Even though that may be partially true, the United States government should not dictate to us what we can and cannot do on the Internet. Period.
Will you assist us to make sure that our Internet remains OURS, not Barack Obama's?
Please, give us your support, right now, by faxing every Member of Congress.
Although the federal judiciary (with decisions by three separate federal judges in three different cases!) has extended First Amendment protection to the Internet, Barack Obama believes that he has the executive authority, WITHOUT legislation enacted by Congress, to arbitrarily regulate who uses cyberspace and what access they may enjoy, based entirely on the content of the material that they wish to publish there. If this isn't a violation of our basic rights as Americans, I do not know what is!
I must hear from you NOW!
Thank you for your desire to keep the Internet FREE of government control

Gary G. Kreep, Esq.
Executive Director
United States Justice Foundation
P. S. - At USJF, our goal is to keep a watchful eye on the unlawful expansion of government. That's why we must keep the Internet totally free from FCC rules and regulations. Please respond ASAP, as these regulations will go into effect TOMORROW on December 21, 2010. Send the FCC our version of "Merry Christmas!"
Please, CLICK HERE to send a FAX to every single Member of Congress TODAY and tell them that they need to exercise their Constitutional authority and oversight over the FCC by insisting that the FCC postpone the implementation of these new regulations until proper Congressional Committee hearings are held to determine whether the Executive Branch has the Constitutional authority to take over the Internet. Three federal judges in three different cases have already ruled that the Internet deserves the same protection under the First Amendment as printed material receives. AND, please be sure to send a sizeable DONATION to the United States Justice Foundation (USJF) as we keep this Internet freedom issue before the eyes of every Member of Congress. We must not let the federal government continue to whittle away at our Constitutional freedoms! To donate by check, make payable to:
United States Justice Foundation
Dept Code 5215
932 D Street Suite 1
Ramona, CA 92065 The United States Justice Foundation (USJF) is a non-profit organization, whose tax-exempt status under IRS section 501(c)(3) has been recognized by the Internal Revenue Service. Your contributions are tax deductible. Corporate contributions may be accepted. |
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