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The leftist news media and the Democratic Party are so much against the ownership of guns in America that they will latch on to any news event that fosters their ideology. They do so with such a vengeance that they demonstrate unequivocally just what Democracy is all about: MOB RULE. They will distort and hide the facts to support their arguments and even rewrite the stories to make them hard to understand but one thing is certain, they will reach their conclusions before the trial has even began, and then come running, carrying the rope. There can be no doubt any longer why the Founding Fathers who drafted our United States Constitution refused to call our country a Democracy and chose, instead, to give us a Republic. Until such time that Barack Hussein Obama and his Muslim, Communist cohorts manage to change it, WE are still a Republic, a nation of laws, NOT Mob Rule.
On February 26th, George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch captain, was attacked by Trayvon Martin on the street. A bystander phoned 911 and the dispatcher recorded the call in which the cries for help by Zimmerman could be heard. Witnesses reported that Zimmerman was on the ground and Martin was on top of him beating him. Zimmerman had a broken nose and a bloody wound on the back of his head. A few moments later Martin was dead from a gunshot wound made by Zimmerman with his concealed weapon that he was licensed to carry. Clearly, it was a case of self-defense but the news media decided to apply the "stand-your-ground" law that says a person is not required to run away from an attack. Then, because Trayvon Martin was black the added accusation of racism was tacked on even though Zimmerman was half-white and half Hispanic who also had black relatives. The "stand-your-ground" law is also known as the Castle Doctrine, a rule which the NRA has successfully lobbied in many state legislatures that allows a person to use deadly force in their homes to ward off an attack instead of being obligated to flee to safety.
The story has exploded across the country with black ministers in every city preaching from their Sunday pulpits while wearing "hoodies" in support of Trayvon Martin. Every Democrat politician, including Barack Hussein Obama, has jumped on the bandwagon calling this a racially motivated hate crime before any police investigation has been concluded. But there is even much more going on and the following story written by Terresa Monroe-Hamilton on the web site has the rest. Reprinted from
By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton
The New Black Panther Party
Revolution – The Beatles:
You say you want a revolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
You tell me that it’s evolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
But when you talk about destruction
Don’t you know that you can count me out
Don’t you know it’s gonna be all right
All right, all right
You say you got a real solution
Well, you know
We’d all love to see the plan
You ask me for a contribution
Well, you know
We’re doing what we can
But when you want money
For people with minds that hate
All I can tell is brother you have to wait
Don’t you know it’s gonna be all right
All right, all right
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah…
You say you’ll change the constitution
Well, you know
We all want to change your head
You tell me it’s the institution
Well, you know
You better free you mind instead
But if you go carrying pictures of chairman Mao
You ain’t going to make it with anyone anyhow
Don’t you know it’s gonna be all right
All right, all right
All right, all right, all right
All right, all right, all right
The New Black Panther Party
(NBPP) is closely associated with the Nation of Islam (NOI). Former
Nation of Islam minister Khalid Abdul Muhammad became the national
chairman of the NBPP from the late 1990s until his death in 2001. The
group attracted many breakaway members of the NOI. The NBPP is currently
led by Malik Zulu Shabazz; it upholds Khalid Abdul Muhammad as the
founder of the movement. They note that not all their members are
members of the Nation of Islam, though the group acknowledges universal
“spirituality” practices within the organization.
They are considered a ‘hate’ group, but the media rarely reports on their movements and intentions. Glenn Beck has stated that the Nation of Islam should be watched as he feels they are capable of great violence.
Although the group claims it does not follow the precepts of Marxism or Mao as the original Black Panther Party
did, they do follow the Kawaida theory of Maulana Karenga, which
includes black unity, collective action and cooperative economics. In
other words, Black Liberation Theology and collectivism – by any other
name, it’s still in reality Communism.
The New Black Panther Party is the very antithesis of what Martin
Luther King stood for. In fact, they seem hell bent on carrying out the
vision of Charlie Manson and his murderous bunch of lunatics.
Enter Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman. From Maggie’s Notebook:
The Sanford, Florida Treyvon Martin killing has taken a
turn today. Martin was 17 years old, [he] left a sporting event on
television to buy Skittles for his little brother. He left the house
unarmed. That much has been confirmed. Today there is a report of a
witness who saw the confrontation from his home, and says Martin
attacked Zimmerman. For several days, the news has been of “racist”
police and a “racist” 28-year-old Neighborhood Watch Captain, George
Zimmerman. He is half White, half Hispanic and some of his relatives are Black. The police report recorded that Zimmerman had a bloody nose and blood on the back of his head.
His attorney says he has a broken nose. He was not arrested. The
Sanford Police Captain stepped down over the calls of racism, and says
there are threats against his life and his family. The Black Panthers
have a Bounty on Zimmerman, offering $10,000.00 for is “capture.”
Zimmerman is not “missing,” or “on the lam,” but is surely in hiding in
fear for his life. In addition to the Bounty, the Black Panthers are
forming an army [of] 10,000 Black men to hunt down Zimmerman.
And the nudge is about to become a violent shove into chaos. From
what I hear Zimmerman was protecting himself. Since when is that a
crime? Not all the facts are in yet, but the New Black Panther Party and
others are quick to attack with or without all the facts. Whatever
happened to Constitutional rights and innocent till proven guilty? Now,
we move straight to lynchings. I also wonder with all the crime across
the country, why this incident and why now? It looks to me like the left
was looking for an incident to create racial tension and violence and
this one was as good as any. It also serves to further the loud voices
against Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and others. The calls will go from
demanding that they be silenced, to calling for their deaths. It’s
As the New Black Panther Party puts out somewhere between $10,000 and
a cool 1 million to kill Zimmeran (not really sure as they have said
both), there are crickets from the media. But not from social media. From American Power Blog:
And the now-deleted tweet from @Simply_Reiona:
“Ima get a group of niggas to KILL George Zimmerman ( the
fat ass racist ass white man who killed Trayvon Martin ) ! He deserves
to DIE !!!!— Couldnt Care Less (@Simply_Reiona) March 24, 2012″
Meanwhile, Spike Lee used his Twitter account to broadcast Zimmerman’s home address to his 244,858 followers.
From The Blaze:
Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan has been among the
vocal voices weighing in on calls for justice for Trayvon Martin, an
unarmed 17-year-old who was gunned down last month while walking home in
Sanford, Florida. On Wednesday, a march was held in New York City in
support of the teen’s family, as federal and local authorities launch
investigations into how the incident unfolded and why the state’s “stand
your ground” law applied to the shooter in this case.
On Twitter yesterday and today, Farrakhan sent some curious tweets
regarding peace, justice and retaliation that could be interpreted as a
veiled threat.
“Where there is no justice, there will be no peace. Soon
the law of retaliation may very well be applied,” Farrakhan wrote,
including the hashtag #Trayvon to clarify the subject of his angst. “Let
us see what kind of justice will come for his bereaved family and our
bereaved community.”
“The fruit of justice is peace. But justice is a
principle of fair dealing,” he writes in another tweet. “When we fail
to do justice, we literally set up conditions that destroy peace.” And
in his most recent tweet, Farrakhan writes, “Think. Reflect. Then get up
and do something for self or suffer the consequences.”
These messages follow a tweet that Farrakhan sent referencing text
from a 2007 sermon. This same article is referenced on the front page of
the Nation of Islam’s media outlet, The Final Call, as well. In the
article, entitled, “Justifiable Homicide: Black Youth In Peril – Pt. 1,“
the minister claims that ”there has been a great display of anti-Black
hatred in the United States of America” of late.
Additionally, he laments discriminatory actions against African
Americans and claims that Black youths have not been informed of the
price that their forefathers payed to give them their current
lifestyles. Farrakhan uses the words “the enemy” to describe those
educating Black youths and says that African Americans have suffered at
the hands of “a wicked oppressor.”
Now the New Black Panther Party has put out wanted posters to their followers – Zimmeraman is wanted dead or alive:

— Yesterday afternoon at a press conference, the New Black Panther
Party for Self-Defense circulated a “wanted dead or alive” poster for
George Zimmerman for shooting to death a Florida teenager four weeks
Zimmerman, a self-proclaimed neighborhood watch captain said he
accosted what he alleges was a suspicious looking black male walking
through his neighborhood. He further contends the man punched him, and
bloodied his nose, so Zimmerman fired a gun shot striking the man in the
chest. The “man” was 17 year old Trayvon Martin, who would lie in the
county morgue three days before police alerted his parents of their
child’s death.
Minister Mikhail Muhummud led the press conference, calling for
the firing of Sanford Police Chief Bill Lee, the arrest of George
Zimmerman and some involvement from President Obama. Muhummud stated he
is the southern regional director for the New Black Panther Party for
Self-Defense located in Jacksonville, Florida. While Minister Muhummud
fired off a list of demands and expressed outrage over the handling of
the shooting and subsequent investigation; a member of the group passed
flyers to about 100 people who showed up for the press conference.
Muhummud told the group he was not concerned with rumors of death
threats to George Zimmerman, “He should be afraid for his life…”
So, we have ‘progressed’ from radical threats and barbs, to the call
for violence in the streets and against one another. How very Cloward and Piven
of them. And right on schedule for the chaotic spring descending on
America as the Communists who are manipulating the political chess board
in America and across the globe, begin to make their move to bring
America to her knees. All of this can be laid squarely at Barack Obama’s feet. Future blood spilled because of this will be on his hands, count on it. He is egging it on – from WND:
Obama weighed in on the shooting Friday, saying the incident requires all Americans to “do some soul searching.”
“When I think about this boy, I think about my own kids,” he said. “I
think every parent in America should be able to understand why it is
absolutely imperative to investigate every aspect of this and that
everybody pulls together – federal, state and local – to figure out
exactly how this tragedy happened. But my main message is to the parents
of Trayvon Martin: If I had a son he’d look like Trayvon. And I think
they are right to expect that all of us as Americans are gonna take this
with the seriousness it deserves and that we’re going to get to the
bottom of exactly what happened.”
How touching. Obama self-identifying with a ‘designated’ victim
without waiting for even the most basic of facts. Don’t expect a beer
summit to come from this.
And the usual leftist instigators
are chiming in – they cast themselves as men of God, while calling for
violence, death and mayhem – I give you the Reverend Al Sharpton and
Jesse Jackson – both consummate racists and Communists. They are leading
the lynch mob mentality out there and it has nothing to do with race.
It has everything to do with bottom up, top down, inside out…
All of this is nothing more than leveraging racism to induce chaos
and to provide a gateway to full-blown Communism. They mean for us to
beg them (the authorities) to make it stop, so they can bring the hammer
down. The plan is in full swing and the chaotic dance has just begun to
occupy the streets and bring America down.

Update: Bookworm Room gets the big picture right again – The real message behind the race hustlers’ manipulation of the Trayvon Martin killing
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