Obama Will Sign UN Gun Treaty While Congress Is On
You heard it straight from the horse's mouth. Jay Carney said Obama
will sign the UN Arms Trade Treaty "before the end of
August...We believe it's in the interest of the United
States." This is very strategic timing
considering Congress is on a 5 week vacation lasting thru the month of
These back door tactics are nothing new for the Obama Administration,
which is why we are using tactics of our own to stop his anti-gun agenda. We
have the home fax numbers of every Senator so while they are absent from the
Capitol we can demand they must not ratify the UN Gun Treaty once Obama signs
We CAN stop this international treaty from reaching American soil by
killing it the United States Senate. The U.S Senate must ratify an international
treaty for it to be effective. They would need 67 votes to ratify the treaty.
Reach every U.S.. Senator at their home office; tell them you do not want this
treaty in OUR United States!
Everything Obama tackles in office is strategically timed and politically
motivated. He only looks out for himself, his fellow liberals, and his anti-gun
agenda. After mass shootings the Administration would launch all-out attacks on
our gun rights since the country would be more susceptible to change after a
traumatic event. He made sure the Benghazi cover up was swept under the rug
until he got re-elected. He will wait to attack certain issues until the 2014
Congressional elections so he'll know how many liberals are by his side.
Obama believes now is the best time to sign the UN Gun Treaty since Congress
is out of Washington. He will have less scrutiny to worry about if Congress is
not nearby. He also thinks the public eye is not paying attention too closely.
It is the slow summer months, people are on vacation, Congress is out of
Washington so nothing must be happening.
Obama may think he is being sneaky but we will make sure the public knows
what he is up to and so will all 100 U.S. Senators. By sending faxes to each
Senator's home office, they will realize how important this issue is to the
American people. If we are reaching out to them while they are on vacation they
will know they must take action. We must flood the home offices with faxes from
Patriots across the country demanding our U.S. Senate does not ratify this
international gun grab!
Gun advocates are weary of the language in the treaty including the fact that
'small arms and light weapons' are among the included weaponry that could be
regulated by the United Nations. The UN Gun Treaty is a lot like ObamaCare; we
will not know what it fully entails until it is implemented. It is impossible to
trust the UN's reassurance that this treaty will not affect our current gun laws
or our Second Amendment. After all, the UN Arms Trade Treaty had previously been
rumored as a replacement of the Second Amendment.
The Obama Administration seems to be thrilled with the thought of global gun
control. John Kerry cannot wait for it to be signed:
"As your review of the treaty continues, we strongly encourage
your administration to recognize its textual, inherent and procedural flaws, to
uphold our country's constitutional protections of civilian firearms ownership,
and to defend the sovereignty of the United States, and thus to decide not to
sign this treaty."
We must make it clear TODAY to the Senate and the White House that
the Second Amendment must be protected and that they must reject any and all
U.N. Gun Control. Tell them to KEEP THEIR TREATY AWAY FROM OUR
All of the evidence suggested Trayvon threw the first punch, Trayvon was on
top, Trayvon was unloading significant damage onto Zimmerman, and Zimmerman used
deadly force to defend himself. No matter what the facts are, the anti-gunners
continue to push their agenda to try to get what they want.
It is our job as Americans and Second Amendment Patriots to meet the anti-gun
crowd head on. We will fight any legislation that tries to destroy our
self-defense laws or our Second Amendment rights. We need your help in order to
launch a significant attack against the anti-gun agenda. They use smoke,
mirrors, and lies to push their agenda while we show the facts. So many
resources are needed in order to be successful against the anti-gun crowd.
Anything you can give us will be substantial in maintaining our goal of
protecting America's Second Amendment!
The uncertainty begins in the discussion of small arms. Where will the regulations on our
small arms start, and where will they stop? They are even trying to include
ammunition regulations in the Arms Trade Treaty! Will the United Nations try to
impose international licensing requirements, an international registry, or
The last negotiations for an Arms Trade Treaty took place in July 2012, just
four months before the Presidential election. Obama did not want to take a big
stance for global gun control just months before his re-election but now he has
made it clear he is for total gun control. He also told voters he would not be
re-visiting negotiations for an Arms Trade treaty but here we are.
Since his re-election it has become clearer than ever what is at the top of
his agenda; taking our guns away! The Obama Administration has been exploiting
tragedies since the election to push gun control at the city, state, federal,
and now GLOBAL level.
Our Senate took a stance before the Presidential election when 51 of them
wrote Obama a letter saying they would not support an Arms Trade Treaty. We must
let our entire U.S. Senate know we do not support international gun control.
They must not ratify this international treaty.
Sincerely Yours,

Alan M.
Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear
If you prefer to donate by check, please mail to:
Citizens Committee for the Right
to Keep and Bear Arms
Dept Code
Liberty Park
12500 NE 10th Place
Bellevue, WA
With more than 650,000
members and supporters nationwide, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep
and Bear Arms is one of the nation's premier gun rights organizations. As a
non-profit organization, the Citizens Committee is dedicated to preserving
firearms freedoms through active lobbying of elected officials and facilitating
grass-roots organization of gun rights activists in local communities throughout
the United States. Contributions are not tax deductible. The Citizens Committee
can be reached by phone at (425) 454-4911 or by email to Patriot@CCRKBAUpdate.org
Copyright © 2013 Citizens Committee
for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, All Rights Reserved.
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