Monday, July 14, 2014

From Jan Morgan Media: Limbaugh Was Right! Krauthammer, Will, Kristol Should Apologize

Limbaugh Was Right! Krauthammer, Will, Kristol Should Apologize 

by / on July 13, 2014 at 7:08 pm 
About the author: John Kirkwood is a son of Issachar. He is a Zionist, gun-toting, cigar-smoking, incandescent light bulb-using, 3.2 gallon flushing, fur-wearing, Chinese (MSG) eating, bow-hunting, SUV driving, unhyphenated American man who loves his wife, isn't ashamed of his country and does not apologize for his C ... [read John Kirkwood's FULL BIO]
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He has made judges dependent on his will alone…He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people and eat out their substance…For imposing taxes on us without our consent…For depriving us in many cases, of the benefit of trial by jury…For establishing an arbitrary government…For altering fundamentally the forms of our governments…He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people…He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us.
Do these charges ring familiar? I listed them on my blog in the days following Independence Day and one of my readers confessed that he thought I was railing against Barack Obama until he realized that I was quoting our Declaration of Independence and the charges made of George III.
And this is exactly what Rush warned us about before the inauguration when he said “I hope he fails.” Rush, in the same way that Patton knew Rommel, knew what Obama would do because he had read his book. It wasn’t rocket science, Rush had done his homework. He had listened to Obama’s own words, studied his background, and broken the code.
Those in the “conservative intelligentsia” are in the awkward position of having to admit either that Rush was right or feign surprise at the new realization that the Emperor is buck naked and therefore incompetent.
No beltway nabob will ever admit that Rush was right – that the President is an Alinsky Marxist implementing a Cloward/Piven coup to transform Uncle Sam into a tranny with an “I ♥ Antonio Gramsci” tramp-stamp emblazoned above her hot pants.
The truth is that leading Republicans and “conservative” journalists know that this president is not incompetent. They even know “what” he’s doing and “why,” but they don’t have the guts to tell the truth.
Bill Kristol, George Will, and Charles Krauthammer would rather commit ritual Seppuku than admit that Limbaugh has been right from the start. And to tell the truth now is to admit their own incompetence. So the party line will be that the President is illustrative of the Peter Principle. He isn’t following a recipe that he once taught to ACORN operatives out of Rules for Radicals, he’s merely “Jimmy Carter’s second term.”
Even my guy, the great Ted Cruz, on the Kelly File the other night, called Barack Obama “An absentee President,” who is not focused on the people “who are paying the cost for his failed policies.”
Sorry Ted, but that’s hogwash and you know it.
Maybe Senator Cruz has determined that the truth won’t sell or that Democrats will use that kind of rhetoric to their advantage, but wouldn’t it be refreshing to have a voice or a pen that communicated with the same clarity that Thomas Jefferson did against George III?
Obama is purposely destroying the American way of life. He is not governing, he’s ruling by sabotage. He doesn’t respect the Constitution, he flanks it. He doesn’t revere our Institutions, he batters them. And just because he’s golfing, clubbing, and playing pool doesn’t mean that he’s failed and incompetent any more than Al Capone getting a manicure or a lap dance meant that he was distracted from ruthlessly ruling and expanding his influence.
“The whole aim of practical politics,” said H.L. Mencken, “is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” Obamacare was destined to fail from the start because it was meant to issue in “single payer.” Run guns to Mexican cartels to foment a backlash here against the 2nd Amendment. Create chaos at the border to get amnesty. Gin up Global Warming hysteria to take control of energy. The goal is to control every aspect of American life and they are well on their way without nearly a peep out of the opposition party or the lapdog press.
As a friend wrote to me this week,
“I don’t think Obama has ever really worked a day in his life. He’s the spoiled child of an unstable single mother who, along with his grandparents, pampered him. He is a white boy who made it through the ranks of the radicals because of his dark skin and Good-time Charlie attitude. He is where he is because the Alinsky radicals knew they had The Guy for the job even if it meant they would do all the work. So yes, his actions are deliberate even if he is just the pretty face whose rhetoric distracts the sheep while his more competent policy makers prepare the slaughter.”
Ezekiel, a prophet of Israel, once described a true leader as a “Watchman on the wall.” His description was of a sentry manning a post on a wall of a fortified city whose one job was to watch the horizon and if he saw trouble approaching, to blow his shofar. If he alerted the people and they didn’t respond, their blood was on their own hands, but if he didn’t blow the alarm then the people’s blood would be on his hands.
Back in 2009, while George Will was hosting Mr. Obama at an off the record soiree and handing out finger sandwiches to fellow “conservatives” – Peggy Noonan, Charles Krauthammer, Rich Lowry, Paul Gigot, David Brooks, Larry Kudlow and Michael Barone, Rush Limbaugh was blowing the shofar. When Limbaugh wished that this president failed, he meant that he hoped that he failed in carrying out his sabotage of the last bastion of freedom on planet earth.
Incompetence may only be negligence but sabotage is treasonous. Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Michael Savage, and Sarah Palin are the lone voices of truth calling this what it truly is – a conscious, pre-meditated, well-organized coup. And they act as Maximus calling out the treachery of Commodus but in this case there isn’t even a single Senator with the brass to join them. I have long thought that there would be a group of generals and admirals who have been summarily purged from the Pentagon who would stand up for freedom. I was wrong.
Sharpen your pitchforks, it’s up to us.


Sunday, July 13, 2014



by Adina Kutnicki
 WARNING: Video contains images and content that some may find graphic or disturbing.

NOTHING written within this site inflames the ire of certain readers (nor brings it more applause from an increasing global audience...thanks for that) like the hammer blows given to the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia. Alas, from reading some of their invective hurled in this direction, one would think that this blogger is just being mean-spirited, with nary a reason to claim this and that. Oh really?
SO, Islamists and leftists, listen up. DO take the following evidence very seriously. There is no intention to let up. Besides, even Egypt has indicted Barack HUSSEIN Obama & Hill as conspirators to the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia's reign of terror!
Would these men be terrorists under Bachmann's Bill?
Would these men be terrorists under Rep Bachmann’s Bill?
STIPULATED, you know the world has turned upside its head when Egypt, hardly a bastion of free thinkers (let alone a hotbed of Jew-hatred), has recognized what's what. A truly astonishing, earth-shaking and Orwellian event. NO exaggeration.
NOW, while it is more than efficacious, decidedly heartening too, to be proven correct in ones analysis, the fact of the matter is that being proven wrong - in this instance - would have been that much better! Say what? 
WELL, this blogger has been hammering home one consistent theme, among several others. Nail in the coffin....
Hammer Blow One:
BACK in the day, mid 2012, at the inception of this blog, Rep Bachmann was front and center. And this was not because of her general likability factor, but because she was (still is) spot on about the Brotherhood Mafia. Oh dear...lookee she smacks down mobbed up Brotherhood Rep Ellison, and the ever so apologetic RINO, Sen McCain! 
Hammer Blow Two:
INDEED, aside from a paltry few others, she is the front-line defense against the infiltration and penetration of the Brotherhood Mafia on Capitol Hill. A hydra-like cancer. You go girl....
Their basis, justification for slaughter, Shariah law, must be excised. Simple as that.
Hammer Blow Three:
MOST significantly, those on Capitol Hill who still want to live free of the sword and the boot of Islam, they would do well to understand what is really taking place, and right under their noses. For if the following evidence is not convincing enough, well, little will make a dent:
YES, they have been exposed and the proofs are within. Their tentacles are burrowed DEEP inside Obama Inc and throughout major power centers. This is irrefutable. Defy anyone to counter this claim.
Hammer Blow Four:
AND how many know that they are nearing their goal, and that there are only 2 more "phases" to go, out of the 3 already accomplished? Shiver all Americans, the west in general, timbers. IF America falls...
ENTER, once again, 
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), known for calling out Muslim Brotherhood infiltration in the past and being rebuked by members of her own Party for doing so, will be introducing a bill to identify the group as a terrorist organization. Said Bachmann:
I’m working on legislation to do exactly that. I’ll be introducing the bill very shortly. The Muslim Brotherhood is a violent terrorist organization. Egypt wisely designated them an FTO (Foreign Terrorist Organization), and the United States needs to do the same. The US needs to defund, sanction, do everything we can to delegitimize the Muslim Brotherhood.
Even if such a Bill were to pass in the House, it would never be brought to the floor of the Senate with Harry Reid as the majority leader. At that, there is no way Barack Obama would sign a bill that targets his allies
Nonetheless, for the U.S. to ultimately confront its Islamic enemies, the passage of such a bill is certainly one of the necessary steps that will have to be taken one day. This fact demonstrates how far the U.S. is from actually confronting those enemies. Moreover, for Bachmann’s bill to be an accurate predecessor of the bill that will actually have to pass one day, it must also include language that identifies all Muslim Brotherhood front groups in the U.S. as well (CAIR, ISNA, MPAC, MAS, MSA, etc. etc. etc.).
As Americans and their politicians are being dragged – kicking and screaming – to a reality they simply want to deny, if Bachmann’s bill is introduced, Congressmen will have the opportunity to be on the right (or wrong) side of history.
Any such should also call on all Muslim Brotherhood front groups to be stripped of their tax exempt status and banned. explored this matter in depth recently.
Just two years ago, Bachmann was one of five signatories to five letters sent to five separate Inspectors General. Each letter focused on the issue of Muslim Brotherhood infiltration. One figure named became the face of the controversial letters – Huma Abedin. Only one elected member of Bachmann’s Party – Rep. Steve King (R-IA) – expressed support for the Bachmann five. The following Republicans sided with Abedin and rebuked Bachmann:
Senator John McCain (R-AZ)
Senator Scott Brown (R-MA)
Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL)
Speaker John Boehner (R-OH)
Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R-WI)
Rep. Mike Simpson (R-ID)
Rep. Richard Hanna (R-NY)
Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI)
Former Bachmann campaign chief Ed Rollins was despicable in his criticism. At the time, he wrote the following about Bachmann:
As a member of Congress, with a seat on the House Intelligence Committee, Mrs. Bachmann you know better. Shame on you, Michele! You should stand on the floor of the House and apologize to Huma Abedin and to Secretary Clinton and to the millions of hard working,loyal, Muslim Americans for your wild and unsubstantiated charges. As a devoted Christian, you need to ask forgiveness for this grievous lack of judgment and reckless behavior.
Since Rollins penned those irresponsible words, Bachmann’s five letters have aged like a fine wine of accuracy and foresight. Muslim Brotherhood infiltration has become far more obvious. Yet, people like Rollins, McCain, Rogers, Boehner, et. al. remain silent on the matter.
Shame on THEM!
ASSUREDLY, without question, the Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist organization.  Concomitantly, the Islamist-in-Chief and Hillary (and the entire crew embedded in the White House) are guilty as charged. But it is a question as to whether or not Congress - through public pressure - will convict Barack HUSSEIN Obama for high crimes and misdemeanors, once the Muslim Brotherhood is properly designated. Consequently, Hill and the rest of the crew will fall like dominoes.
NEVERTHELESS, it is doubtful that the charged duo will step foot in Egypt, at least until the indictment wends through their legal system and pronounces their guilt or innocence. Prognosis: they shouldn't hold out too much hope for a not guilty verdict!
BESIDES, from this site's birds eye perch, suffice it to say that laying a toehold into Egyptian territory could serve as a death sentence for them. It's been known to happen....
MOST edifying, how can it be that Egypt's new President, General Al-Sisi, outlawed the Muslim Brotherhood, yet they are duly ensconced within America's leadership? Well, "it be"!
AS always, Demsters and RINOS truly believe they will escape blow back, just as long as they back them in their Shariah law ambitions. Moreover, quite a few are in sync with their designs, and in bed with these same Islamic devils. This too has been proven. NOT a wise strategy.
INCONTROVERTIBLY, what they fail to internalize - and they will more than deserve their comeuppance, as they aid and abet said monstrous plans - is that they will be squashed, trampled like maggots, once the Muslim Brotherhood takes over the reins via the Shariah States of America!
IT remains to be seen what, if anything, the formal charges by Egypt's courts against Obama & Hill will actually entail. Mind you, America is gripped by its own junta, the likes of which render them the most dangerous regime in the west.
STILL...Congress is obligated to lay down its own gauntlet!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

What's wrong with these photos proves what is wrong about liberals.

There are always two points of view to every story. In political issues those points are usually conservative versus liberal. More often than not that equates to rational versus irrational or intelligent versus stupid. Take your pick, I prefer the latter - intelligent versus stupid. And there is no limit on the number of stupid people you will find and most of them are liberals. Intelligent people are aware of facts and details that seem to be inconvenient truths to stupid people. Here are some examples.

This photo of Steven Spielberg began circulating across Twitter last week. You should read the caption to appreciate this. Just so you know, the photo was taken on the set of Spielberg’s movie Jurassic Park. The comments from the rabid anti-hunting crowd seem to think that Spielberg was responsible for killing the Triceratops dinosaur behind him. Of course, you know the dinosaur is a movie prop but the people passing the image around don’t seem to understand there are no Triceratops alive any more. They all died out millions of years ago. People who are against guns and hunting are either ignorant or not concerned with facts and details, like the fact that crime rates go down as more people acquire concealed carry permits. 
Of course, we now know that the Twitter author Jay Branscomb planted this image. Read his latest Twitter post below. As Katie Pavlich over on points out:
But people took it seriously and actually believe Spielberg shot and killed the dinosaur. Here are some examples.
Anti-hunting derangement syndrome strikes again. Whoever you are Jay Branscomb, I salute you.
Now meet Holly Fisher, an attractive young mother of three from Charleston, West Virginia who is both a proud American and a Christian. Holly posted a lighthearted photo of herself on Twitter after the Supreme Court upheld the rights of Hobby Lobby versus Obamacare. Holly posed in front of a local Hobby Lobby store holding a soft drink cup from Chick-fil-A, another Christian oriented business.You can also tell from the photo that she is Pro-Life so there are three things about this picture that would anger liberals and set them off in a rage.
Shortly afterward, Holly received some criticism from liberals on Twitter that the only thing she was missing in the photo was her gun and her bible, a comment on Muslim Democrat Barack Hussein Obama's campaign statement about those "bitter clingers". So Holly took another photo of herself to accommodate her critics.
And as you would expect, this angered her liberal critics even more. (Good for you, Holly). Shortly after this photo hit Twitter the liberals started circulating a photo showing Holly Fisher with her gun and her Holy Bible and flag next to a Muslim terrorist who was holding her gun and her Koran in front of her flag, and they wanted to know what was the difference.
Well here is where the informed and intelligent conservatives can easily explain the answer to the liberals question. The Holy Bible being held by Holly Fisher contains the words spoken by Jesus Christ calling upon us to "Love thy neighbor as we would love ourselves." And the words of God who gave us the Ten Commandments, among which is, Thou Shalt Not Kill. On the other hand, the Muslim woman holding her gun and her Koran later on went out and committed suicide by blowing herself up and killing three other people in the same terrorist act. And her Koran, which is supposed to contain the inspiring words of her Islamic prophet, is filled with commands for Muslims to kill and mutilate everyone who is not a believer in Islam. But these are the inconvenient truths that liberals refuse to think about.
My name is Nelson Abdullah and I am Oldironsides and I love to eat at Chick-fil-A and shop at Hobby Lobby.


Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy Birthday America. You are 238 years old today.

Like our beleaguered Republic we share some of our country's problems. We're down but we are not dead yet. On this day of celebration please think only of the immortal words of our Founders who crafted the Declaration of Independence and wagered their lives and fortunes on the birth of a new nation. A nation conceived in Liberty that acknowledged our Divine Creator.

Visit our News page

July 4, 2014

They who crafted The Declaration of Independence—and the example they set for us.

Thomas Jefferson was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence, working with a committee of four others (John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman and Robert Livingston).

As we prepare to celebrate the 238th anniversary of the approval of that remarkable document, here are a few quotes from the three men most responsible for its crafting that shed light on their philosophies—and provide us wisdom we need in these challenging times.

“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” Jefferson

“Children should be educated and instructed in the principles of freedom.” Adams

“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” Franklin

It’s not well-known that only about 1/3 of the colonists actively supported the War for Independence. This is yet another historic example of how it doesn’t take a majority to change the course of history.

It takes just enough people of courage, wisdom, passion and dedication, willing to fight for what they believe and resist whatever opposition is leveled against them.

On this very special day, Brigitte Gabriel and ACT for America thank you for your continuous efforts to resist the threats the nation faces, both foreign and domestic.

In the indomitable spirit of the nation’s Founders, we thank you.
And on a followup note, 2014 is the 200th anniversary of The Star Spangled Banner. Among all the renditions ever sung, none have compared to the one given by Whitney Houston on January 27, 1991 at Superbowl XXV in Tampa, Florida. Turn up your speakers and enjoy it, especially the roar of the crowd in the end.

Hat Tip to CavBuffaloSoldier for your post on YouTube. Rest in Peace Whitney, this was one of your finest moments.