Saturday, September 7, 2013

Updated news on the 2-million bikers ride on Washington, DC on 9-11-2013 to counter the Million Muslim March

As of this morning when I did a screen capture of the bikers ride on Washington, D.C. logo (see below) their Facebook page indicated there were 47,825 likes. As I write this post a half hour later the likes have increased 100 more. This is looking to be a monumental event to counter the absurdly insulting Million Muslim March on the day we set aside to honor the thousands of Americans who were killed after 19 Muslims hijacked four airliners and crashed them into the World Trade Center towers in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington. The fourth airliner went down in a field in Pennsylvania after the passengers had been alerted by cellphone calls of the events of the previous hijackings and decided to retake the aircraft. Those heroic passengers most likely saved the Capitol Building in Washington which was the last target of the Islamic extremists.
Searching Google for updated news of the ride, there are plenty of stories from all over. Biker groups have been organized in all of the lower 48 states. One story in BizPac Review:

Bikers roll out for DC 9/11 counter protest with a solid plan

About Janeen Capizola
"And though she be but little, she is fierce." And fun! This conservative-minded political junkie, mom of three, dancer and one-time NFL cheerleader holds a bachelor of arts degree in political science. Twitter: @JaneenBPR

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