Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sarah Palin knocks it outta the park!

Great story about a great woman patriot from a great web site, the New Zeal. Sarah Palin was the only reason I went and voted in the 2008 elections. Sarah Palin's genuine home-spun conservatism out-shined her tarnished old RINO running mate McCain everywhere she went.  While Sarah was rounding up her 'Mamma Grizzlies" John McCain was telling everyone that Barack Hussein Obama was a "good guy" and he wouldn't say anything bad about a fellow member of the Senate. Sarah has scared the left so much they will go to no lengths to ruin her credibility and her image. In a fair fight Sarah Palin could whip anyone, Democrat or Republican. Here is the original from Andrew Breitbart Presents BIG GOVERNMENT.
Sarah Palin Steps Into Wisconsin, Points to Left Field, and Hits a Grand Slam
by John Nolte
UPDATE: Oh look, the MSM’s already making thing’s up. See here.
If Sarah Palin’s not running for president, what a terrible waste that would be of the single best stump speech I’ve heard since, well, Palin’s ’08 convention speech, which just happened to be the single most electrifying political moment of my adult life. A thrill didn’t just run up my leg that night, it ran up everything in me that’s American, and today in Madison, WI, it happened again. Surrounded by an obnoxiously hostile, astro-turfed, pro-union crowd that tried and failed to drown out her message with obnoxiously hostile astro-turfed noise, the former Alaskan Governor took the fight directly to the growing pile of Obama’s failures in the most effective way we’ve heard yet from a potential GOP challenger.
If you want to know why Obama’s Palace Guards in the MSM are determined to destroy this woman and all of popular culture has risen up to help, press PLAY. If you want to know why the GOP Establishment had better start looking over their collective shoulders, press PLAY.

You see what else she did there? Exactly what she did as a reform-minded governor in Alaska. She called the GOP Establishment out for everything they’re doing wrong, appealed to reasonable rank-and-file union members disgusted by their leadership, and reaffirmed her own proud union credentials. Better yet, she also launched the kind of tight, sharp, and articulate attack on President Obama’s failed presidency that likely has the White House — and their media allies — loosening their ties, clearing their throats, and looking for any word she might have mispronounced as an excuse to drown out her appealing message with the furtherance of a cruel “stupid” narrative they’ve been failing at for two-plus years.
I’ll ask again: How can someone so “dumb” be so right about everything?
Who knows how the MSM will try to spin this speech into a negative, but we all know they will. However, that’s the beauty of the Internet age. Today the corrupt media has no say in the matter. We as citizen journalists and activists can spread the word unfiltered through Facebook, Twitter and other forms of social media. Please do.

For my money, what Palin really accomplished here was grabbing hold of and making her own what has made Donald Trump such a breath of fresh air and boosted his poll numbers. What we want first and foremost in our GOP standard-bearer is someone unafraid of the MSM, and who takes the fight directly to Obama. We also want them calling out our friends in DC when they — to paraphrase the Governor — rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic after they’ve promised to stop Obama from hitting icebergs.
On this day, Tea Party tax-day, Sarah Palin walked into the heart of this nation’s battle, stared down a gallery of Leftist union goons with poise and grace, and articulated our message as well as anyone ever could. Let’s hope this is just the beginning.


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