Sunday, June 10, 2012

My reply to the TEA Party activists who plan to stay home on election day.

The Patriot News in Pennsylvania ran story quoting several TEA Party activists who plan to stay home on election day because they believe Mitt Romney "is really a moderate wolf in conservative sheep’s clothing." To any and all TEA Party members who agree with this absurd plan, I have a few words for you.  You better get your heads screwed on right because the only thing you're going to do is get Barack Hussein Obama reelected.
Tea party activists say they'll abstain from voting on Election Day 

Published: Friday, June 08, 2012, 6:00 AM     Updated: Friday, June 08, 2012, 2:34 PM By ROBERT J. VICKERS, The Patriot-News

Though Mitt Romney has sewn up the Republican presidential nomination, some tea party activists remain unconvinced of his conservative credentials and plan to abstain in November.

 I have heard from various folks in the tea party that they would rather stay home,” said Ana Puig, the state director of FreedomWorks, a conservative activist training group
The Romney rejection stems from the deeply held belief by many conservatives that the former Massachusetts governor is really a moderate wolf in conservative sheep’s clothing.
Even if your feelings about Romney are correct, who would you rather have in the White House for four more years, a moderate wolf in conservative sheep’s clothing or a Marxist/Socialist, pro communist Muslim extremist masquerading as a Democrat? Even if Mitt Romney is a RINO, a Republican In Name Only, he has got to be a whole lot better than the other prospect. Not voting for a Republican is the same as giving the democrats an absentee vote.
Want to insure your bet? Go out and vote the entire Republican ticket and help elect a solid Republican Congress. With a Congress dominated by Republicans, even if Obama was to steal the election his plan to turn America into a Socialist Republic, i.e. think U.S.S.R. the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, he would be greatly hampered. And maybe, just maybe, a solid Republican majority may just find the courage to impeach him for treason.

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