Wednesday, July 21, 2010

NRA-PVF Chairman Chris W. Cox tries to soothe anti-Reid complaints

Chris W. Cox has been getting a lot of nasty emails lately. He said so in the August issue of American Rifleman. The July issue of American Rifleman magazine had a glowing two-page spread about how much the NRA appreciates the hard work that Nevada Senator Harry Reid has done for gun owners. My response to this bull crap was to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, and to resign my 42-year long, Benefactor level Life Membership. Consider the time lag in printed publications that is almost 3-months long, those letters and emails from NRA members complaining about some of the questionable endorsements had to have been written well before the July issue that praised the Democrat from Nevada. I can only guess what the mail room at NRA headquarters at 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, Virginia must look like today. 

So now I have read the latest posting from Chris W. Cox on his web site dated July 7, 2010, NRA-PVF ENDORSEMENTS NOT YET ANNOUNCED IN ANY U.S. SENATE RACE FOR NOVEMBER GENERAL ELECTION. When he gets around to mentioning Democrat Harry Reid, he says: "Admittedly, Senator Reid’s record is not perfect; few politicians’ records are.   For a number of years (primarily in the 1990s) Sen. Reid had some problematic votes on our issue." Mr. Cox then proceeds to describe a few of Reid's pro-gun accomplishments in recent years and finishes by giving this warning. "All of which leads to a very serious question for all NRA members and gun owners who oppose Sen. Reid to contemplate: who would take Reid’s place if he loses his race—and his critically important position as Senate Majority Leader?  Remember, the Senate Majority Leader is the gatekeeper who decides which legislation will be considered on the Senate floor.  If Sen. Reid loses, the next candidate for Majority Leader is very likely to be Chuck Schumer or Dick Durbin—two of the most anti-gun U.S. Senators in history!"

Doesn't this sound like the NRA is assuming the Democrats will keep their control over Congress after the mid-term elections in November? The NRA has put all their eggs in one basket after they endorsed 53 Democrats in 2008 and they don't want to admit they made a big-ass mistake in giving total control of the government to the most anti-gun political party in American history. Now it seems the NRA is burying their collective heads in the sand by ignoring the Tea Party movement and the taxpayer revolt that has been sweeping across America. Every political writer is predicting the Democrats will loose their majority in the House and may well loose it in the Senate so Harry Reid or Chuck Schumer or Dick Durbin don't stand a chance of becoming the next Senate Majority Leader. 

Single-issue organizations like the NRA must be held accountable for the consequences of their endorsements. Those 52 Democrats they helped get elected in 2008 have voted along side their left-wing cohorts to cram one socialist piece of legislation after another down our throats and the American people are about to toss them out of office. You would think the NRA would get the message when 50,000 people staged a protest in Harry Reid's home town of Searchlight, Nevada a few months ago. That's some crowd seen in the aerial photos below.

Maybe that was too far away from their Virginia office complex to notice. Maybe then they should have paid attention when 2-million American citizens went to Washington, D.C. for their taxpayer protest on September 12, 2009. Hey, Chris, if you missed it, here is what it looked like.
By the way, Chris, Harry Reid's record of anti-gun voting extended well past those troubling 1990's that you mentioned. In case you missed a few of them, here is a recap of just the last 10 years.
February 2, 2000. Vote 4. Voted to make firearms manufacturers and distributors’ debts nondischargeable in bankruptcy if they were sued because they unknowingly sold guns to individuals who used the gun in a crime. 68 Senators voted against Reid’s position, including 17 Democrats including Bryan of Nevada.

March 2, 2000. Vote 27. Voted to say that school violence was due to the fact that Congress “failed to pass reasonable, common-sense gun control measures” and call for new gun ownership restrictions on the anniversary of the Columbine shootings.

March 2, 2000. Vote 28. Voted to say that school violence was due to the fact that Congress “failed to pass reasonable, common-sense gun control measures” and call for new gun ownership restrictions on the anniversary of the Columbine shootings (reconsideration of vote 27).

March 2, 2000. Vote 32. Voted to use Federal taxpayer funds to hand out anti-gun literature in schools and to run anti-gun public service announcements.

April 6, 2000. Vote 64. Voted for a gun control package including new onerous restrictions on gun shows.

April 7, 2000. Vote 74. Voted against an amendment to provide for the enforcement of existing gun laws in lieu of new burdensome gun control mandates.

May 16, 2000. Vote 100. Voted to commend the participants of the so-called “Million Mom March” for their demand for more Federal restrictions on firearms ownership, and to urge the passage of strict gun control measures.

May 17, 2000. Vote 102. Vote to overturn the ruling of the chair that the Daschle amendment (commending the participants of the so-called “Million Mom March” for their demand for more Federal restrictions on firearms ownership, and to urge the passage of strict gun control measures) was out of order.

May 17, 2000. Vote 103. Voted against an amendment stating “the right of each law-abiding United States citizen to own a firearm for any legitimate purpose, including self-defense or recreation, should not be infringed.”

May 17, 2000. Vote 104. Voted for an amendment commending the participants of the so-called “Million Mom March” for their demand for more Federal restrictions on firearms ownership, and to urge the passage of strict gun control measures.

February 26, 2004. Vote 17. Voted for mandatory triggerlocks.

March 2, 2004. Vote 25. Voted for Federal regulation of gun shows.

July 28, 2005. Vote 207. Voted for mandatory triggerlocks.

March 5, 2009. Vote 83. Voted against a ban on the United Nations imposing taxes on American citizens after France and other world leaders proposed a global tax on firearms.
I strongly urge every current member of the National Rifle Association to join me in resigning their membership in the NRA and to join the real pro-gun group Gun Owners of America. This is no time to play politics with the future of our country. I also urge you to support the campaign of Sharron Angle for U.S. Senate in Nevada. The time to Take Back America, is NOW.

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